Anyway also been going to so many more amazing shows,
Was lucky enough to see Bane, Down To Nothing, Lewd Acts & Gold Kids 2 times which was sick;
-Gold Kids
-Lewd Acts
- Down To Nothing
These shows were amazing, then luckily a few days later saw Polar Bear Club and Wilhelm Scream;
- A Wilhelm Scream
- "Tour", "Debt"
Alot of people in the hardcore punk scenes are Straightedge and Vegan, so many of my friends brought me along to the annual Vegan Festival which was great. Had some really tasty food, and learnt some interesting stuff;
Then after the vegan fest made it over to a show with local band Abolition, Jailbait, Dirty Money and Americans War Hungry and RZL DZL(who i had to leave early for to catch my train, which i missed anyway and had to catch a hour train pay £25 for a 5 min taxi);
- Abolition
- Jailbait
- Dirty Money
- War Hungry
Tomorrow off to see Death Before Dishonor which I'm keen for, and supporting them is Arkangel from Belgium and the good dudes from Hang the Bastard, who I'm doing promos of for their next Split with Brutality Will Prevail. Awesome bands.