Again it has been awhile since I've posted anything, But it's been a busy week, I have
a lot to write about and so alot for you guys to hopefully read.. Over Last Weekend I went up to Brisbane to get my tattoo finished by
Rachi Brains at All Star Tattoos. I was really happy with how it turned out;

-Still Fresh
Saw my friend Josh on the plane going to get his
tattoo finished by
Rachi aswell, so he was able to show me where the private All Stars Parlour was and i took a few pix of the joint.

pleasant environment...
But while up there I decided to make a
lil 'holiday' of it, so the first night did promos for
xStrength Through Purityx, Funnest dudes, make sure you check em out,
they'll be touring with
xLiferuinerx From US around Aug. Anyway had a really great time and got some good results. Also was a good chance to test out my newly cracked
photoshop CS3.

-The Crew
Also took some tourist snaps;

-Casino right in the city centre
And went to the Modern Art Museum where these was a sick show called
'The China Project', so interesting,

check out more pix
hereAs soon as I got off the plane I took advantage of the rare situation of being in Sydney at a late time with money to spare and went to Brisbane to buy the camera and
lense I have been planning to buy for awhile from
Craig Nye, A Nikon F70 film
SLR, with a 50mm AF
Haven't had a chance to try it out, but i have played around with the
lense on my digital, good shit.

Also after getting back from Brisbane had to sort out my shit for the Bare Your Teeth Exhibition
comin up at the end of the month.
Originally was
goin to have 3 prints but ran outta money and time, so stuck with 2 pix; the oneof Sam From Ghost town, and the pic from
Internal Affairs Last show in Syd. Some of my favourite pix from this year so far.

There are some good artists playing and displaying at the two day
exhibition so make sure if your in Melbourne around the 29
th of this month (MAY) go check it out.