Micheal Jackson's death has caused mixed responses between my friends, some loved him so much, have his albums and cried when hearing the news, some didn't give a fuck and made jokes about his death. But many like me respected him as an artist, who made a huge impact on many people and paved the way for many new music styles and genres (as anyone dose who has the worlds most successful album) but through out his career made many actions which could be seen as mistakes, But in the end he should be remembered for his achievements not his mistakes.
Anyway in other news, a lot has been going on in my life, I've been trying to sort out a whole lotta things but finally i think it's finally cleared up a bit. was watching This Is England last week and it got me keen for the fact that I'm going to England for 5 months at the end of Aug this year, with my mum and brother as my family is all moving there by the end of the year. But I'm only there for 5 months as when I get back I'm starting a 4 year course in Brisbane at the Sunshine Coast University/Tafe doing a duel course, Diploma of photomedia and bachelor of arts, major in Graphic design. So I'm Really keen for that, but it's starting to hit me that I don't have much time to spend with all my good friends till I'm gone.
This along with trying to get my second flash fixed, sorting out my Folio for uni and saving as much money as i can for my England trip hasn't left me with much time for photography.
But I did shoot my friends first show for Facebreaker a couple of weeks ago,
and also a few publications came out which i was keen to see how they turned out.
The first I was most keen for was the article about the Blue Mountains music scene published in Brag which featured a paragraph about me, which I really happy with.
also been listening to heaps of music that im really loving, check some of this stuff out if u get the chance:
-Ice Cube: Greatest Hits

- Acacia Strain: The Dead Walk