Friday, May 15, 2009


Again it's been awhile since I've shot anything, been busy with work and shit, had a really tough week, so looking forward to going away to Brisbane for my first time this weekend to get my tatt finished;

...By Rachi Brains. Also while down there shooting xStrength Through Purityx Promos and shooting some live photos of provoke which will sick, and of course taking photos of Bris it self.
So will be a really good escape.

Also this week 'Nath' from the band Cutloose who I did promos for awhile ago, showed me this;
which I pretty stoked on, as it is my first offical newspaper publication (on newspaper website and in physical newspaper)

And Again another American band has become been caught by Australia's 'Bermuda triangle curse' , just like Verse when they were here for Boys of Summer earlier this year, Have Heart have announced thier break up and are playing some of thier last few shows her in Aus, so make sure u come check em out;


  1. Im enjoying reading your blog man, I need to update mine haha, seems like we both have tonnes going on! Look after yourself, sounds like a patch of bad luck it will pass. What flashgun was it? SB-600? If it was i know there super exspensive over here at the moment (crap exchange rate) but look into the SB-80 DX and a few of the older DX flashguns, i know there combatible with DSLR's but not fully (:
    take care bro

  2. aww thanx heaps man
    i only jus realised how to check comments so yeah.
    keep checkin the blog

